1. The capacitance
Capacitors are distributed on the circuit board of each place of the voltage and set up, there are generally about 10, the brand is generally Samsung, divided into solid, semi-solid, liquid three, small volume, common cylindrical and elliptical type two. There are different capacitors according to different circuit boards, such as computers, its main distribution is as follows: electrolytic capacitor, solid capacitor, ceramic capacitor.
2. Field effect tube
A dc semiconductor tube, usually in the shape of a square, black superhard material, about the size of a thumb, usually designed to handle voltage output, stabilize voltage direction, reduce noise, etc.
3. Chip crystal vibration
This is also a square, but has special markings, such as different colors at the corners, to provide high precision oscillations.
4. Patch resistance
Is also a capacitor, but the appearance is different, it is a kind of ceramic capacitor, relatively large volume, and not outside the circuit board.
Contact: Ms.Huang
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Email: sales@fpcblf.com
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